Friday, December 10, 2010

Thoughts concerning Sir Ken Robinson's speech

Sir Ken Robinson touches one of the most sensitive subjects in America today, children and their education.   As we have studied throughout the semester, when there is a problem it calls for a change.  Our current problem is how to educate the youth?  Typically we look to the past for ideas and solutions, but trying to implement that tactic in the 21st century is no longer acceptable.  We have evolved and grown so rapidly as a human race in just the past few decades that to even consider old ways of life and governing is outrageous because of how advanced we have become.  As Sir Robinson points out the educations system “was designed and conceived for a different age.”  Students are not the same as they were 60 years ago, so teaching them the same way is unsuccessful.  In fact the youth is significantly dumber than those of past decades, due to distractions in television, media, etc.  Students from past years were blank slates coming to school with only influences from their parents and friends, whereas modern-day students come to school with influences from all angles giving them ideas before they have stepped into the classroom to learn.  Students of modern-day need to have curriculum that simulate what they are thinking not what they are told to think for that hour of their day.  

America has altered its ways of thinking and beliefs several times over the decades, so why not do so concerning our system of education right now?  The youth of modern-day are beaming with creativity and overflowing with ideas, schools need to cultivate these ideas, nurture them and help students blossom.  These old fashioned ways of teaching are not working for the 21st century children. Let's face it, kids today are not motivated like they used to be because the world after school is not as easy as it was before.  The hard truth that a job is not going to be waiting for a student after they graduate college is evident.  So if there's no guaranteed job, then why bother studying all those years especially when theres tons of jobs that don't require an education.  This is the minder students have begun to take on, so if we want to do anything about it we have to make learning exciting even if the job market is poor.  Although the solution does not only lie in the education system, there are issues with the amount of jobs available.  The government needs to take action concerning the amount of illegal immigrants that are taking jobs away from hard working American citizens.  By opening ups jobs it will provide motivation for the students who are going through the school system and coupling that with simulating their thinking in the classroom will produce a solution to all the problems America faces regarding the school system. 

Coming from one of the red states that Sir Robinson spoke about where ADHD is popular I know exactly what he is talking about.  The amount of children popping adderol like its candy is insane.  It has gotten to the point that doctors are passing out adderol like its free, parents are convinced ADHD is the answer to any unfocused child and students are basically addicted to this drug.  I know many students who believe they can’t even get through a day without their adderol.  ADHD has become an excuse for kids that don’t want to work hard and for parents that don’t feel like motivating them.  Diagnosing a child ADHD is the easy fix to the real solution of a boring, out-dated schooling system.  Society, the economy, and the American lifestyle has changed so drastically that the same change needs to be mirrored in our institutions.  

Dr. Sutherland, after studying with you for this semester and watching this film I understand your style of teaching and appreciate your “out of the box” methods.  Our freedom in class discussions and ability to twitter are exactly the kind of methods Sir Robinson discusses to “wake students up” as he says.  You are the first teacher I have had to engage in class discussions and not be afraid to see where it may go, whereas most teachers cut students off to continue with the scheduled material or are too nervous to allow students the freedom to speak on whatever they’d like.  These discussions simulated my thinking, as well as my peers, allowing us to engage in the conversation and have a heightened interest of the topic at hand.  It was refreshing to listen to students speak their mind, take sides, argue, disagree and explain opinions freely.  I applaud your new age idealism and encourage you to continue your methods of teaching in the future.  This video was an excellent speech that I have already begun sharing with my friends and what is best is to hear their reaction.  The youth of America are agreeing with Sir Robinson and speaking up for change.   

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