Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Changes to the AP Style Guide

Sooo... Web site was recently changed to website, although for most of us we changed that on our own a few years ago.  I'm glad to see that the Ap Style Guide is finally catching on to the current grammar that everyone else has been using.  These changes are good because our society is constantly changing making things faster, better, and stronger.  This idea of change applies to grammar too, even though many people believe we should stick with what was originally established.  Those people need to get out of the past and join us in the future, where we are looking, acting and even talking different.  Language has constantly evolved since the beginning of spoken communication, so why not embrace the change like we always have.  With how advanced humans have come in the past years it's good to see that the authors of the AP Style Books are noticing the growth and adapting.  Some of the feedback towards the changes have been negative, saying things like why would we want to dumb down the English language?  My response to that is why must we sit in our old ways and continue to be archaic.  Change is good, accept it.

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